Volunteer Today!
The Middleton Railway is run entirely by volunteers, and so any of our staff that you may see when visiting the railway will be volunteers.
In all parts of the railway, our volunteers perform a variety of exciting and challenging roles, and you would be welcome to join them.

Would You Like To Keep Leed's History Alive?
We are always looking for interested people who can spare some time to help us. You would not have to commit lots of time, although there are some roles that do require a significant time commitment. In particular we quite often arrange special projects for groups, so that you could take part in such a project without necessarily committing to anything else one the project was finished.

Are You Looking To Share Your Skills, Or Learn New Ones?
There is a wide range of volunteering opportunities available, and these cover virtually every aspect of the Railway’s activities. Some of the roles involve manual work, and in particular if you do not mind getting your hands dirty there are plenty of opportunities. But if that sort of role is not for you there is also a wide range of choices.

Are You Looking To Make New Friends?
Volunteering has many benefits to offer to you, as well as to the railway. It will present you with the opportunity to meet new people, from all walks of life, such as the ones shown here. It can also enable you to gain worthwhile skills, and we can promise that it will result in a real sense of achievement.

Are You Ready For A New Adventure?
There are many different areas of the railway in which you could choose to volunteer, but the boundaries between them are very flexible, and many of our current volunteers contribute to several of these areas. Hence, you need not worry about being confined to any one of these areas. A separate page gives details of these different areas.

Join Our Team Of Volunteers Today!
The Middleton Railway welcomes new volunteers, just complete the leaflet about volunteering and return it to the Railway either by e-mail to volunteering@middletonrailway.org.uk, by mail to ‘The Station, Moor Road, LS10 2JQ’ or to our ticket counter when we are open, and we will arrange to show you round and an induction.
You can also complete an enquiry form online by clicking here.
The Railway expects all volunteers to become members of the Trust after completing an induction period of about three months, so that all our volunteers enjoy the full benefits of membership and can play their role in the governance of the Trust.